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Post requirements of the state council to reduce part of import tariffs
Date:2013/12/2 16:36:55

Economic information daily news: 1, reporters learned from the Chinese government network, the state council recently issued the "on strengthening the import to promote foreign trade balance development of guidance" (hereinafter referred to as "opinions"), the current and future a period to increase the intensity of the fiscal and taxation policy support, adjust some commodities import duties. Analysis of the personage inside course of study thinks, the move is not only promote the mouth of the tax policy, also is the value-added tax after the reform and expanding an important structural tax cuts.

"Opinions" pointed out that, according to the domestic economic and social development needs, in the form of temporary tariff rate, the lower part of the energy import tariffs on raw materials, the right lower part is closely related to people's life of articles for daily use import tariff, timely adjust part of advanced technical equipment, key parts, import tariffs on lower primary energy raw materials and strategic emerging industries required for domestic cannot production or performance can not meet the need of the key parts of import tariffs. Continue to implement the part for from the least developed countries import zero tariff treatment, accelerate the process of tax reduction, further expanding the scope of the zero tariff products; Combined with the free trade area lower taxes arrangement, guide enterprises to expand import from free trade zone member.

As an important content of the perfect structural tax cuts in 2012, reduce import tariffs on goods has been long-awaited part of our country. According to the notice issued by the Treasury, to actively expand imports, meet the demand of domestic economic and social development and consumption, since January 1, 2012, China's import and export tariffs for some adjustment, will be low for more than 730 kinds of commodities import temporary tariff rate, the average rate is 4.4%, lower than the MFN rates above 50%. A widespread belief that China, the expansion of import tax cuts, help to promote the adjustment of industrial structure, expand consumption.

Before the clear cut part of goods import tariffs, the other a structural tax cuts this year big change, the business tax paid VAT already fall to the ground. Ministry of finance, state administration of taxation and other departments in the first quarter of the latest disclosure situation change increases, according to the Shanghai camp after reform pilot industry overall reduce the tax burden, vigorously promote the development of the service industry. By the end of march, a total of 129000 households included in the pilot enterprises. Pilot enterprises generally reflect, after the change of paid VAT, due to eliminate double taxation, further promoted the social division of labor, improve the business professional level, to enhance the competitive power, also make the tax system more fair and reasonable.

Next, the ministry of finance and the state administration of taxation will continue to follow the pilot running situation, timely solve the problems in the operation of the pilot, pilot experience, improve the pilot program in Shanghai, on the basis of actively yet prudently for expanding the scope of the business tax paid VAT pilot instead. Director of state administration of taxation XiaoJie said recently, according to estimates, the tax change paid VAT if away, across the country tax revenue is expected to reduce net 100 billion yuan of above.

In addition, small and medium-sized enterprises preferential tax strength also increase. On April 26, further implement of post requires governments at all levels and relevant departments under the state council, support small miniature enterprise development in all kinds of preferential tax policies, including higher value-added tax and business tax threshold, extend small profit-making enterprise policy of enterprise income tax shall be levied in half by the end of 2015 and expand the scope and so on.

A tax expert told the economic information daily, a reporter, the current should pay attention to the role of tax cuts and private economic development. In his view, our policy is still too little in tax cuts, strength is not enough. Enterprise income tax, for one, before a few years of the foreign investment enterprises and domestic enterprises in our corporate income tax, tax rates to 25%, but it has to do with Singapore, Russia, Britain, the United States and other countries, compared to China's corporate income tax rate is still not low. Facing the global economic recession, enterprises especially for private enterprises in difficulties, there should be more measures to reduce the corporate tax, this to stimulate economic growth, employment and long-term economic development.

In fact, the central economic work conference has clearly the focus of the active fiscal policy is a structural tax cuts this year, the Chinese academy of social sciences financial strategy of the institute for Gao Peiyong after an interview with the economic information daily, proposed that should hold two structural tax cuts, one is "don't go against the trend", the second is must have quantity limit. The so-called "don't go against the trend" is to optimize tax structure rather than tax structure. Tax structure imbalance is mainly manifested in two aspects, on the one hand, is a high proportion of indirect taxes, low proportion of direct tax, on the other hand is the proportion of tax is high, the natural person enterprise tax proportion is low, so the direction of the reform is to reduce the indirect tax increase direct tax, reduce enterprise pay taxes, increase individual pay taxes, "you must be aware of the process of structural tax cuts so that direction, 'do not go against the trend". Moreover, should have quantity limit, cannot follow, down to where is where, must have an overall planning and layout, such as explicit structural tax cuts this year after set-off increase or decrease the net effect of scale and so on.


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