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Robot research and industry application for new opportunities in China
Date:2013/12/2 16:36:55

According to the international union of robot (IFR) predicted that in 2014 China will become the world's largest market. But robot science and engineering research institute, nanjing university of industrial robots and machine automation experts qing huang nine said recently, the research level of robot in our country, especially the robot technology can form industrial scale, is still in its infancy, especially in order to obtain the benefit of the rapid spike, copying, lack of long-term development of innovation, innovation ability is weak, the core technology and key components, lack of market competitiveness. However, qing huang nine also pointed out that China's robot research and industry application, has ushered in the new historic opportunity.

In 1986, our country began to implement 1986 plan, and for the first time, has been clear about the plans for the development of the industrialization of robot technology, Harbin industrial university, shenyang automation and university research institutes have began the exploration of the robot. During the period of "11th five-year plan", the various colleges and universities is widely carried out modular robots, volume, structure, design, features and other basic technology in the field of research and exploration.

Qing huang, nine are transformation from labor-intensive to modern manufacturing industry in our country, on the way of industrial production to automated production transformation, vigorously introduce robots become indispensable. In this context, "twelfth five-year" period, our country is introduced industrial transformation and upgrading, development of high-end manufacturing equipment, intelligent manufacture equipment and a series of plans and policies conducive to the development of the industrial robot. In addition, our country gradually aging society, the disabled population large, objectively will give health, services, and domestic robots such as education, bring the huge market opportunities. The combination of these factors, must be the booster of robot industry development.

", predictably, with the continuous improvement of enterprise automation level in our country, the robot automatic production line of the market will certainly be more and more big, and will gradually become the main form of automatic production lines. In front of the opportunity, how to develop the localization of the core technology and key parts and components, how to take the lead to achieve the next generation of robots, which is development and industrialization of intelligent robot and its key technologies, will be decided to the robot research and industrial application can be real development of our country, and the key to our country independent brand can achieve the market." Qing huang nine said.


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